
Safety measures effective July 1st 2020 until further notice.

We have made some changes to keep each other safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We are asking everyone to wear a mask.
To help provide the safest environment possible, we are providing disposable masks at the door if you should need one. We have hand sanitizer available throughout the building.

We are checking temperatures to prevent accidental spread of the virus.
We will use a contactless thermometer to take everyone’s temperature at the door, including all staff and volunteers. We want to avoid any of us unintentionally infecting others. The CDC defines a fever as 100.4° F.

We are postponing the relaunch of our Children’s Church on Sundays until further notice. We are also delaying the reopening of Wednesday night worship for our youth students and adult bible study. Each week, we will reevaluate our ability to provide an environment that is safe, fun, and conducive to growth.

The people of Calvary Baptist have responded well to every challenge throughout this extended season, and we’ll continue to evaluate conditions every week and make safety adjustments as needed. Reopening each of our ministries remains a priority, and we’ll prayerfully move forward when the timing is appropriate. In the meantime, let’s stay close to the Lord, stay safe, and remember that we’re in this together.

How we are keeping each other safe

Your health and safety are very important to us. We realize that many are ready to return to in-person worship as soon as possible, and that the majority of us are concerned about taking the proper steps to protect our health. With this in mind, here are a few things you can expect as we return to our Sunday worship service:
We’ll thoroughly clean before and after every worship service
Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout our building
We’ll help families sit together, maintaining at least six feet from the nearest family or individual
Our attendance will be limited to allow for social distancing protocols
Our volunteers and staff will wear masks to protect you
We’ll greet you with a wave, but for your safety, we’ll avoid all contact.
For your safety, we won’t pass an offering plate. Offering plates are at the rear of our sanctuary.

How you can help protect yourself and others

Wear a mask
Maintain a social distance of six feet from those not in your family
Stay home and worship with us online if you are sick, have a fever, or are not feeling well.
Wash your hands thoroughly many times a day and avoid crowds.

Our online services will continue

We’ll continue to offer online services, so you can worship from home until you feel that it is safe to return.
Join us every week from wherever you are by clicking here.