“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”   Matthew 6:21


As people of God we give because God as given us everything through his Son Jesus. We believe that God doesn’t need our money, but he does want our passions & priorities. We give to make a kingdom impact, and we should strive to help our community and reach Euless Texas through our tithes, passions, efforts, and desire to reach the world. We preach this through the three “T’s” here at Calvary. We give to God in our Time, Talents, and Treasures. Our mission is that every member would see the importance of “giving” and sacrifice in these three areas to help us reach and grow as a church! Our sole mission is to raise up a generation of disciples that would raise up more disciples—and that is only possible with folks giving often in their time, talent, and tithes! 


In Person: We don’t pass a plate anymore at Calvary Euless— we simply place the plate to give regularly in the back on a table before or after service as God leads you! 
Online: Calvary Euless has not ever done online tithing, we are currently in the process of assessing options—and in 2024 will have an online tithing option.  


Here at Calvary Euless—we are currently in a campaign to raise money for a AC unit in our Family Life Center (gym). Pastor Randy deeply desires that we use the facility to the most of our ability; and the Family Life Center is a key factor to outreach and community support amongst our neighborhood. The website will be updated by 2024 on the fund amount we are raising, but if you feel led to give—we are seeking donation now —the funds will go directly towards an air conditioning unit for the FLC and an updated lock system for the church! We desire to have the funding in place by April of 2024! For further questions on this campaign please email Pastor Randy at